Now, just for giggles here's the regex. It's for a simple SQL like Where
clause query language. Hopefully it makes sense :) According to my work
colleagues I am considered weird for enjoying writing a regex and they're
certainly more fun than waiting for the election result ;) (This was for a
personal project)



// setup the regex for tokenising the query.
// i.   \G means match at the start of where the previous match finished
// ii.  We used named groups (?<....> with names that match the TokenTypes
enum so we can tell which command has been matched
//      (except for Whitespace which when we find it we move onto the next
// iii. The token this returns removes any separators e.g. [] for fields,
"" for string, ## for datetime. (also in a string "" indicates a double
// iv.  The keywords below are in descending size order so that tokens such
as NotIn don't get confused with Not or In etc. (EndOfString is the shortest
//      as it is the end of string so it's empty).
// v.   As well as supporting the operators <, >, >=, <=, =, <> we also
support the alternatives GT, LT, GE, LE, EQ, NE, == and !=
string pattern = $@"\G(


On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 20:06, Mike King <> wrote:

> It was a very simple cutdown SQL (think just a where clause) and the regex
> was a multiline affair which picked out tokens using named groups. I then
> had a function that skipped whitespace tokens and returned the next token
> (group name) and the value (parsed and validated for dates and numeric
> values, strings were escaped).
> Secondly, my code is designed to run on many databases not just SQLite and
> I don’t have access at the level you describe from a .Net driver. So using
> something specific to one manufacturer is not a good idea nor is writing
> custom code for each database.
> All this was possible and I just added my experiences to show it is
> possible with a little thought.
> Cheers
> On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 19:29, Warren Young <> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 2019, at 6:08 AM, Mike King <> wrote:
>> >
>> > ...I decided on a simple subset of
>> > SQL and then wrote a parser using a regex as the tokeniser.
>> First, [SQL is not a regular language][1], so it probably cannot be
>> completely parsed by regexes.  Not by a single regex without surrounding
>> logic, anyway.  There’s probably valid SQL that will pass your regex but
>> give unwanted behavior.
>> Second, you’re reinventing SQLite’s own authorizer, which runs based on
>> the output of SQLite’s own well-tested SQL parsing engine.  (Which uses a
>> proper parser, not a regex.)
>> Security is not an area where you want to roll your own logic.  Use
>> someone else’s well-tested solution whenever you can.
>> [1]:
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