On Friday, 10 January, 2020 10:50, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com>:

>On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 4:30 PM Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

>> length() on a BLOB should show the number of bytes in the BLOB.

>> length() on a string should show the number of *characters* (not
>> bytes) in the string up through but not including the first
>> zero-character.  It is possible to have additional content after the
>> first zero-character in a string, which length() will not tell you
>> about.

> There's no way at all, to know the length of a text column with embedded
> NULLs?

C-Strings cannot have embedded nulls.  The very definition of a C-String is "a 
sequence of non-zero characters followed by a zero character".  So while you 
can store and retrieve invalid C-Strings in the database (as in use BIND and 
COLUMN_TEXT), "things" (meaning software) which expects a C-String to be a 
C-String will be confused by such improper usage of a C String, and "things" 
which expect "text" fields to contain properly encoded C-Strings are likely to 
have brain-seizures.

You can, of course, cast the column as a blob (which IS allowed to have 
embedded nulls and DOES NOT have to have valid text encoding), and get the 
length of that bag-o-bytes (in bytes):

sqlite> select * from copied;
sqlite> select typeof(id_local),typeof(lutfullstring),typeof(luthash) from 
sqlite> select length(cast(lutfullstring as blob)) from copied;

The first select is indeed selecting the ENTIRE string that has been asked for. 
 It is then using printf "%s" to print it because it is SUPPOSED TO BE a null 
terminated string.  It is doing exactly what it has been told to do.  
Similarly, the function LENGTH() on what is supposed to be a NULL terminated 
string returns the number of characters up to but not including the NULL 

The real problem here is that a BLOB has been stored as if it were TEXT.  This 
is a failure of the application to properly sanitize its input.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume. 

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