On 1/21/20, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> The TRUSTED_SCHEMA setting works really well but I have noticed one problem
> (there may be more, but I haven't run across any yet) with it that is
> perhaps easy to address, though it needs to be done properly.  That is
> perhaps adding an innocuous flag to pragma definitions in mkpragmatab.tcl so
> that it can be carried though into the vtable code that handles
> pragma_<pragma_name> xConnect method.
> This would permit pragma's such as table_info (for example) to be marked as
> innocuous so that pragma_table_info could be used in a view even when the
> schema is untrusted.

That would potentially leak information about the schemas of other
attached database files.  It seems like a harmless information leak,
but it is a leak nevertheless.

If you are setting untrusted schema (as you probably should) but you
need to use pragma virtual tables inside of triggers and views,
consider putting them inside TEMP triggers and views.  TEMP triggers
and views, because they must originate in the application itself, are
always trusted.

D. Richard Hipp
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