On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 11:01 AM chiahui chen <chiahuich...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> After creating a table (total 8 columns including 1 generated column) , I
> tried to import data from a csv file (each record has values for 7 columns
> that match the non-generated column names and data types, no headers ).
> The system issued " error:  table has 7 columns but 8 values were supplied.
> ' I wonder why.
> After experimenting different ways to import data to a table that has a
> generated column, so far I only found that  .read command with a .sql file
> that was output  as a result of  'mode insert'  is successful. Is there any
> other ways to import data to an existing generated-column table?

I would be inclined to import the csv as a temp table, then write an INSERT
INTO ... SELECT ... query to move the appropriate columns from the temp
table into the new table.
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