I'm reading and replying to this message using an SQLite-backed
email client  See

That's very interesting...

All incoming and archival emails are stored as BLOBs in a table.
The full text of messages is indexed.  It is all very fast and
I haven't had to do anything special to make it so.

How did you implement full text indexing?
I though sqlite did not support full text
index, am I wrong?

Of course, all this assumes a modern workstation.  Perhaps your MUA
is designed to work on a handheld with cheapest (read: slowest)
flash memory available and a 50 MHz ARM processor or something?

Lol, I wish. It's the direct opposite.  The
project is essentially an alternative to PST
in Microsoft Outlook :)

We are stuck with Outlook's internal API.
Our design has an SQLite table for each
message.  Message objects are transacted.
Hence the plan is to mirror the message
SQLite table in an in memory database until
the SaveChanges() API is called, which would
copy the changed rows to disk.

Currently message saves and retieval is
very slow because Outlook makes about
250 calls to our 'sqlite-backed' generic
property retrival function when it opens a
single message.  So that SQLite-based
function, GetProps(), needs to be very,
very, fast.  Any ideas?

Best Regards,

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