For anyone who has the same questions I had, I've found most of the answers. PS. Excellent internal documentation of the VDBE (though a bit out-of- date)! It made it really easy to navigate the source.

On Feb 12, 2007, at 1:51 PM, Wesley W. Terpstra wrote:
What is the defined behaviour of interleaved inserts and selects?

Any open select statements must have executed a 'Callback' opcode. An insert at this point will complete in one step (unless there's an error). Therefore, when the select resumes, any open cursors will simply walk on to the next value (possibly the new one) with no problems.

Drop table fails with SQLITE_LOCKED if your try to use it with an in- progress query.

Will an UPDATE ... WHERE ... also *always* complete in a single step?


there some sort of 'open transaction counter'? ie: if I begin&commit within the scope of an 'automatic' transaction, it will not commit until the automatic transaction completes?

There is no counter. Instead, each query locks as it needs to and releases on Halt. Begin/Commit simply toggle the autocommit flag to off and on. If running statements have not completed, they still have their locks. So a begin statement makes the locks retained until the commit/rollback unset the flag.

Suppose I ran: begin, select *, step1, commit, step2. Does the commit fail because there is still a nested, active query?

Yes. The commit will fail with cannot commit/rollback transaction - SQL statement in progress and SQLITE_ERROR.

if I am running a "select * from giant_table;" and find on row 10/800 the data I was looking for, I might want to just finalize the select statement. My question is what happens to an explicitly opened transaction that included this select statement? The documentation implies that the transaction will be aborted, which is not very desirable.

Stopping the query will not affect the autocommit flag. So the containing transaction is not aborted. It is impossible to stop an update/insert as they never invoke Callback. Therefore, there is no problem. Stopping a query is harmless to the forward progress of a transaction.

Now that I'm working on wrapping bind_text/bind_text16, I have another question: what is the native on-disk format of the strings? The documentation suggests that open/open16 determine the encoding.

db_enc determines the encoding of the values used on the stack. Conversion does happen, so just use UTF-8 everywhere and there will be none.

It's ackward that there is no separation between a compiled VM and a compiled VM's state. ie: If I want to run the same precompiled query twice in parallel (since this is apparently well defined), then I would need two separate instances of the state.

There is this separation within sqlite3. It's just not exposed to the user. However, nearly all of a Vdbe structure has to do with state information. While it would be possible to cache the parsed query, the cost of creating a Vdbe structure is probably high enough that the savings are not worthwhile.

TBH, it would be more helpful if there was an intermediate form between prepare and the stmt.

This looks quite easy to implement. However, it's probably a red herring.

It seems the right solution to my problem is to keep a pool of prepared queries in the 'factory'. When all of them are in use, create a new one from the query string, and add it to the pool. This allows re-entrant use of the same query, and both can iterate correctly and independently.

Sometimes silence is the right answer. Thanks drh!

The well thought out concurrency makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. sqlite3 will look after my bits. :-)

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