At 3:33 PM -0600 4/11/07, Dennis Cote wrote:
You have lost me here. If this transaction is considered successful without executing the middle step (which is the same as executing it and then undoing that execution) then that step does not belong in this transaction.

Instead of

   step 1
   savepoint after_1
   optional step 2
   if error
       rollback to savepoint after_1
   step 3

You can do

   step 1
   step 3
   optional step 2
   if error

Your example assumes no coupling between the different steps, which is true some times, but in the general case there can be coupling. That is, the effect that step 3 actually has can be different depending on whether step 2 is rolled back or not, either because step 3 is operating on a different database state, or because step 3 contains conditionals that cause different statements to execute depending on database state that could have been changed by step 2. So in the general case, step 2 must always be run after step 1 and before step 3.

This *is* an example of an application where a nested transaction or a savepoint could be useful. However there is a fairly simple workaround that gets the same result without a nested transaction.

Instead of:

   step 1
   begin nested
   temp step 2
   var = query current state
   rollback nested
   step 3 using var

You could do:

   step 1
   temp step 2
   var = query current state
   step 1
   step 3 using var

The cost of this approach is repeating the work done in step 1.

While that workaround may be an acceptable solution for some situations, I see that as overly complicated and difficult in the general case.

For one thing, it requires the application to keep track of all the details of what step 1 was, and step 1 could be arbitrarily complex.

Moreover, step 1 could have been expensive, involving a large amount of data which may have been input from somewhere and can't be retrieved again nor stored in RAM; the only copy of it is in the database.

Or even ignoring the last point there is still the complexity, especially if one used bind variables that were since freed up for other tasks, since you aren't just keeping a log of SQL strings to re-run.

I think that a SQLite pager-based mechanism for tracking child transactions is quite a bit less complicated and more reliable than using your workaround, since no details have to be remembered but for the pages that changed.

Now going off on a tangent ...

To address the oft-raised comment that some people make that any proposed additions or changes to SQLite be opposed in general on the principal that "it is supposed to be lite", I say this:

It is perfectly in keeping with SQLite's philosophy for us to add lots of power to it if the cost of adding that power is low.

Low cost meaning that the codebase doesn't need to increase much if any, the resource efficiency of running SQLite isn't impacted much, complexity doesn't raise the bug density appreciably, and particularly, it isn't more difficult for users to use.

Some features, like proper child transactions as I described, are a situation where users gain a lot of power at very little cost. Having proper child transactions means it is a lot easier for users and developers, particularly SQLite extension or wrapper writers such as myself, to add powerful features to SQLite using programs while SQLite itself is hardly more complex. Users are saved a lot of work, and SQLite developers gain next to none.

By contrast, say, supporting named users in the database and concurrent database writes and stuff like that is indeed way too complicated for SQLite to have, and I still support SQLite never adding support for it.

So SQLite with child transactions is only trivially less lite than it is now, which is still lite.

In fact, I propose moving rollbackable child transaction support to the top of the todo list, rather than it being in the middle, given that its presence can make a lot of other todo or wishlist items much easier to implement, I believe.

And if it will make a difference, I will even make a monetary donation (as I can afford to) in order to sponsor its development (though I would like to think that the benefits are compelling on their own).

-- Darren Duncan

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