do_test test-1.1 {
 execsql {PRAGMA encoding}

 sqlite3 db2 test.db
 execsql {CREATE TABLE t (id int)} db2
 db2 close

 #execsql {SELECT * FROM sqlite_master}
 catchsql {SELECT * FROM t}
} {1 {no such table: t}}

Looks like the schema info is obviously being cached.  The first
PRAGMA is to make sure this is happening - I originally wrote it with
the CREATE in db and the SELECT in db2, and the behaviour didn't
manifest unless I forced it to hit the database first.

Uncommenting the commented line fixes things right up, presumably
because it forced sqlite to re-read things.


[Sorry if I'm missing something.  Feels like I'm missing something.
But I can't see what :-).]

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