Hi Markus,

On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 23:37:33 +0200, you wrote:

>Hello everone,
>I'm having a really weird problem with SQLite when used with PHP - I'm 
>pretty sure it's not SQLite that's at fault here, but since in the 
>PHP-DB mailingliste nobody seemed to be able to help me, I'm hoping to 
>get some insights here :-)


>For the previous discussion in the PHP-DB mailinglist, see here 
>(starting point, same content as above):
>A detailed step-by-step list for reproducing the problem, including the 
>used SQL schema, can be found here:
>I hope someone here can point me in the right direction, I'm getting 
>somewhat desperate :-)

I can't reproduce the exception (the PDO->query
version) on an environment I happened to have

- MS Windows XP Professional (5.2 build 2600)
- Apache 2.2.4
- PHP 5.2.2
- PDO SQLite 1.0.1 2007/03/23
- SQLite library 3.3.16

Perhaps I'll try again tomorrow with the
same installation, but using
- SQLite library 3.4.2

The only thing i can think of (wild guess) is your
php-cli uses another php.ini than the Apache module does.

Good luck !
  (  Kees Nuyt

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