> It is SQLite 3.4.2, and I downloaded the ready binary, the DLL and sqlite3.h;
> I didn't compile anything. But the sqlite3.lib didn't come ready; it came as
> sqlite3.def together with the DLL, then I made it into a sqlite3.lib by
> using the LIB.EXE utility of Visual Studio 6.0 -> LIB.EXE /DEF:sqlite3.def.
> Thank you in advance.

Ok. It sounds like there's something weird about the environment in
the GUI version of your app. Pelles C is new to me, so it's a bit of a
wild card too.

If you're able to provide the source to the Win32 app, and the
database you're testing with, I can dig into it myself, although it'll
take me a little while.

One thing you can try now is getting the 3.5.3 binary, and replace the
DLL your app uses with it. It should just be a drop-in replacement,
without needing to build the import library and link your app again. I
still want to find out what the problem is, but it would be good to
know if this changes things.

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