John Stanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I received an email promoting a DeviceSQL web presentation. It specifically targets Sqlite and promises 5X performance.

If you view their web presentation and/or try out Encirq's
products, I would be very interested to hear your impressions.
Even better would be if you could blog about it.

Encirq has for years been running Google Adsense ads claiming
to be 20x faster than SQLite.  (Dunno why they have now reduced
that claim to 5x faster.)  But I have never yet seen an
independent confirmation of this.  Nor even have I been able
to find anybody who is actually using DeviceSQL in a product.
Web searches turn up nothing but marketing literature coming
directly or indirectly from Encirq.  Some independent analysis
(regardless of whether it is favorable or unfavorable to SQLite)
would be appreciated.

My understanding of DeviceSQL is:

   *  It is NOT transactional.  There is no such thing as ROLLBACK.
   *  If you lose power during a write, your database is toast.
   *  If your database schema changes, you have to recompile
      your application.
   *  The database file format changes depending on the schema.
   *  DeviceSQL is not a general-purpose database engine.  You
      compile SQL statements into C code on a development
      workstation, then compile the C code for your embedded

I can imagine circumstances where the DeviceSQL approach,
while much less flexible and forgiving than SQLite, might
be a better way to go, depending on what you are trying to
do. But I have not gotten good vibes from Encirq as a company. And I have no idea how reliable the DeviceSQL product is. I would really appreciate your thoughts on that subject.

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Your earlier description of DeviceSQL intrigued me. In general claims of "20x" or even "5x" imply either serious deficiencies in the compared product or a generous dose of snake oil in the challenger. Since we know the Sqlite code and use it without encountering serious deficiencies, I smell snake, but shall look at the presentation and ask some questions if possible and report back.

Like you, I have been unable to uncover any concrete documentation or reviews of this product.

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