On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:33:06 -0800 (PST), "kamil.szot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Gilles Ganault wrote:
>> So the options are:
>> 1. use the old SQLite2 sqlite_() functions (or some class that turns this 
>> into OO)
>> 2. PDO to use the SQLite3 linked-in library
>> 3. PDO to access the SQLite3 DLL
>> ... with 2 being the recommended choice.
>With 2 (and probably 3) you will not be able to retrieve metadata (for
>example column names) for empty table.
>The only way of getting column names in PDO is executing "SELECT * FROM
>table" query and then retrieving metadata using columnCount() and
>getColumnMeta() methods of PDOStatement object returned by PDO->query()
>method. But in case of sqlite: (meaning sqlite3) databases getColumnMeta()
>returns nothing if result set is empty. In case sqlite2: driver
>getColumnMeta() always throws exception.
>So if you will be needing to inspect your tables at runtime then I'm
>recommending first solution.
>If anyone knows how to get field names of a table from sqlite3 database in
>PHP please share your knowledge with the world. :-)

There's a PRAGMA for that purpose.

$sql = "PRAGMA table_info('tablename')";
$res = $this->query($sql);

Example result set:
cid  name     type        notnull   dflt_value  pk
0    jobid    INTEGER     99                    1
1    TSN      CHAR(4)     0                     0
2    jobprio  INTEGER     0         9           0
3    status   CHAR(1)     0         'W'         0
4    userid   VARCHAR(8)  99                    0

The columns of this resultset have metadata, just like a normal resultset.

Tested with:
php, php_pdo.dll, php_pdo_sqlite_external.dll v5.2.5.5 (2007-11-08, Windows), 
sqlite3.dll  v3.5.4 (2007-12-14)
  (  Kees Nuyt

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