On Apr 3, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
> I'm sorry to confirm the problem described at http://tinyurl.com/ 
> 29wc8x
> #v+
>  $ tclsh8.5
>  % package require sqlite3
>  couldn't load file "/usr/lib/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so.0":
>  /usr/lib/sqlite3/libtclsqlite3.so.0: undefined symbol: sqlite3StrICmp
> #v-
> Does there exist any cure?


This has never been a problem for the prebuilt binaries on
the website.  Somebody must have built their own binary
that separates the SQLite library from the TCL library and
puts them in two separate shared libraries.  (Perhaps the
configure/make script does this.)

The way we build the TCL interface that is on the download
page is that the TCL interface code becomes part of the
amalgamation and the whole thing is compiled as a single
translation unit.  I cannot imagine why anyone would want
to do it differently.  But just yesterday I had a chat conversation
with an engineer at Novell/SuSE and he could not understand
why anybody would want to do it my way - since that would
me there were two complete copies of the SQLite library on
disk.  Different strokes for different folks, I guess...

Anyway, you can fix the problem by either using the
precompiled binaries, or downloading the latest from

D. Richard Hipp

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