----- Original Message ----- 
From: "palmer ristevski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "General Discussion of SQLite Database" <sqlite-users@sqlite.org>

> I always saw SQLite as trying to be the database to beat out MS Access 
> for the desktop user.
> And due to this belief I thought that referential integrity would have 
> been the one of the first fundamental things
> that would have been created from version 1.0, as wells as support for 
> the basic fundamental types of joins.
> I hope these things will be coming in the next release.
> If this is done, in my opinion SQLite will have won over MS Access!!!

With the exception of the joins, in my opinion that is precisely the thing 
that SQLite mustn't do.  M$ Access is already there and a bis version isn't 
really needed.  IMHO SQLite is beauty because is *different* (as far as SQL 
let it be).

> I am waiting for that GLORIOUS day to come!!!

Abolutely agree.


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