John & John,

   Actually my API used to be XML using SCEW a DOM like XML parser that uses

   For my particular application RPC made more sense to me. What could be
easier than a function call? Another advantage was that I did not have to
create any functions. I am just using SQLite's C API. Now the users of my
application can query any table on the server side using select. Since my
application is a network server, and network debugging capability is
The only ugliness is that select locks the tables. I wish D. Hipp would give
us an option for pStmt to create a temporary table of the select result set
and delete that temp table after finalize automatically. This way a client
can sit on a prepare/step for a long time.

   I solved the endian issue pretty easy by sending the type code.


On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 3:07 PM, John Elrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Alex Katebi wrote:
> > Yes I need to do it as 8 byte buffer. Convert the endianess to the
> network
> > then back to host for 8 byte integer.
> > I think XML is great for command validation and CLI auto typing, help
> etc.
> > Besides parsing issue, XML can not handle binary data directly.
> >
> As John pointed out, XML is not intended to handle binary data
> directly.  We use XML as a transfer medium for binary data and simply
> base64 encode it before encapsulation.
> John Elrick
> Fenestra Technologies
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