gtxy20 wrote:
> I can't help but think that the separator is not being escaped properly to
> indicate a tab - I have tried \t, \\t, "\t", '\t' but no luck.

For some reason the -separator option on the command line always sets 
the separator string to \\t (i.e. the literal string entered on the 
command line). You can use the .show command to see the current 
separator string.

You can use a command script file instead. Enter the following into a 
text file called testcmd.txt:

   .separator "\t"
   .import testdb testtable

Then use a .read command to process that file.

   sqlite3 test.db ".read testcmd.txt"

> Just getting frustrated. - I was originally iterating through the data
> programatically and using an INSERT query to place the data but for 5
> million rows this was taking far too long.

You will probably be better off going back to your program and ensure 
that you execute your insert statements inside a transactions.

   sqlite3_exec(db, "begin", 0, 0, 0);
   // your code to insert data
   sqlite3_exec(db, "commit", 0, 0, 0);

Without the transaction each insert writes to disk. Inside the 
transaction the disk is written much less often, and hence the operation 
is much faster. I would expect 5 million orws to take about 2 minutes on 
typical hardware.

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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