D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> Have you actually run experiments to see if this is the case, or are  
> you just guessing?  My guess would be the combination of the OS disk  
> cache and SQLite's internal page cache will make actual disk I/O  
> relatively rare, even for an on-disk database.

Okay, I'm guessing, but it's not unreasonable to want to miminize disk 
i/o in our application, right?

That being said, I like the idea of going without a save button (we'd 
still probably have a "save as") and saving everything straight to the 
disk file, as that would make it easy for sound designers to "get lost" 
in the application and not have to worry about losing anything they do.

I'm still concerned about parameters which are designed to be modified 
in real time during performance (in the "sitting down and playing the 
keys" sense), but it's only samplers, which stream a huge amount of data 
from disk as they get played, that might be affected.

Okay, I'll go with that plan for now, and if it turns out to be an 
issue, then I'll look into pulling databases into memory. Thank you for 
your help.

-- Darren
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