Gavin Kistner wrote:
> The diagrams are read most easily left to right; rolling to a new line  
> greatly reduces the utility, IMO. Roughly 7% of the 'net is still  
> using 800x600, and surely far less of tech savvy audience.
> I suggest increasing the image width to at least 900px before  
> wrapping, and possibly even suggest possibly never wrapping them  
> (instead putting each in a scrollable section).

There are 2 problems with scrollable sections:

1.  The diagrams can't easily be printed out if one wanted to do that.

2.  Those are a lot more difficult to scan with the eye.  It is a lot easier to 
scan if we can see the whole thing at once, even if on multiple lines, then if 
we have to side-scroll back and forth to find things.

This said, if say making some diagrams 20% wider would lead to a large 
improvement in readability, that should be fine, as these would still print 
well, most people would see them without side-scrolling, the rest would only 
side-scroll a bit.

-- Darren Duncan
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