Hi All,

> I have three tables (simplified here): Invoices, Orders and Moves.  
> Each Invoice to a customer is for one or more products moved to them  
> (ie sold to them). Each one of those products is moved (ie bought)  
> from a supplier, incurring one or more Orders to satisfy each Invoice.

> I want to get the total Expense per Invoice. How can this be done  
> correctly and efficiently to give:
> Invoice   sum(Buy)   sum("Orders".Delivery)  Expense
> 10001     208.98         37.0                245.98

> If I try to include the Delivery like this:
> select "Invoices".ID as Invoice, sum(Buy), sum("Orders".Delivery)
> from "Invoices"
>       left join "Moves" on "Invoices".ID = "Moves".Invoice
>       left join "Orders" on "Moves"."Order" = "Orders".ID
> group by Invoice
> ;
> it gives an incorrect sum of Delivery, since it adds the delivery  
> per Move instead of per Order:
> Invoice   sum(Buy)   sum("Orders".Delivery)
> 10001     208.98         59.0

I figured out a solution:

select Invoice , sum(Buy), sum(Delivery), sum(Buy + Delivery) as Expense
from    (
                select "Order", "Invoice", sum(Quantity * Buy) as Buy
                from Moves
                group by "Order"
        left join "Orders" on "Order" = "Orders".ID
group by "Invoice"

which gives the desired sums without duplicating the delivery for two  
items from the same order:

Invoice  sum(Buy)   sum(Delivery)   Expense
10001    208.98     37.0            245.98

In more complex tests on a larger data set, this method takes less  
than a second, compared to over a minute when using my previous best  


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