On ti., 2008-12-09 at 11:29 -0500, D. Richard Hipp wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Kent Dahl wrote:
> > After running valgrind on my program that is using sqlite (,
> > statically linked on Linux, Ubuntu 8.10) for a while, carving away all
> > the problems caused by my own code, I was left with the "Syscall param
> > write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s)" error reported within the
> > call from writeJournalHdr.
> The uninitialized space is harmless.  But if it worries you there is a  
> patch.  http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/chngview?cn=5968

Thanks, just the confirmation and additional information I was looking

> > (Sorry to be mentioning 'valgrind', which seems to be akin to a
> > four-letter word, on this list... ;)
> >
> Why do you think this?  We love valgrind. 

When I first saw this error in valgrind, Googling pointed me to the old
PRNG issue with k[256] being uninitialized, quite a few ranting messages
about valgrind, the KDE and sqlite bugs pointing back and forth at each
other and a finally "funny-hmm" commit message ranting. So I thought it
prudent to don my asbestos underpants before posting this. :)

>  It's the useless and  
> annoying warning messages from VC++ that we hate.

Ah, thankfully I personally only worry about warnings that are
reproducible on Linux... 
Unfortunately, my code still has to work on VC++. :(


Kent Dahl
Software Developer

Industrial Control Design AS

Phone: +47 93 07 32 30

Breivika Industriveg 63
N-6018 Ă…lesund



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