These are replies to posts on the sqlite-users list.  However, if there is 
to be ongoing discussion I prefer it happen on the dbi-dev list.  Not that 
sqlite-users isn't very on topic itself, dbi-dev just seems *more* on topic, I 

Clark Christensen wrote:
>> One of my first code changes will be to require DBI 1.607+
> The current DBD-SQLite works fine under older versions of DBI.  So unless 
> there's a compelling reason to do it, I would prefer you not make what seems 
> like an arbitrary requirement.

I have 2 answers to that:

1.  Sure, I can avoid changing the enforced dependency requirements for now, 
leaving them as Matt left them.  However, I will officially deprecate support 
for the older versions and won't test on them.  If something works with the 
newer dependencies but not the older ones, it will be up to those using or 
supporting the older dependencies to supply fixes.

2.  On one hand I could say, why not update your DBI when you're updating 
DBD::SQLite, since even the DBI added lots of fixes one should have.  On the 
other hand, I can understand the reality that you may have other legacy modules 
like drivers for other old databases that might break with a DBI update.  I say 
might, since on the other hand they might not break.  Still, I'll just go the 
deprecation angle for now.

> Otherwise, it sounds like a good start.  Matt must be really busy with other 
> work.
> I'll be happy to contribute where I can, but no C-fu here, either :-(

Thank you.

Ribeiro, Glauber wrote:
 > My only suggestion at the moment, please use the amalgamation instead of
 > individual files. This makes it much easier to upgrade when SQLite
 > releases a new version.


Jim Dodgen wrote:
 > I'm for the amalgamation too.  the rest of you ideas are great also.
 > excelent idea to use Audrey Tangs nameing convention.
 > I have been stuck back at 3.4 for various issues.
 > I do Perl and C and offer some help.

Okay and thank you.

-- Darren Duncan
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