The frequent releases are not a problem as far as I am concerned.  I'd
rather have bugs fixed quickly when they are discovered, than wait
months for releases containing needed fixes like other libraries.  We
use the loose pre-generated C files (not the amalgamation) and even then
it only takes me about 10-20 minutes to integrate a new release and
about another 10-40 minutes to run it through our unit tests.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mike McGonagle
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:57 AM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLite version 3.6.10

Thank you for these releases, I appreciate (and agree) with your
reasons for the many releases. For me, it really is so simple that all
I do is take the Amalgamated version and swap it out for the previous
version. I can only think that anyone who has troubles with a swap
like this may be doing things that are either undocumented, or are to
get around things they want to do...

just my $0.02...

Thanks again.

Michael McGonagle

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:07 AM, D. Richard Hipp <> wrote:
> SQLite version 3.6.10 is now available on the website.  Upgrading is
> recommended for all users.
> SQLite version 3.6.10 fixes a cache coherency bug (Ticket #3584)
> introduced by check-in [5864]  which was part of version 3.6.5. This
> bug might lead to database corruption, hence we felt it was important
> to get it out as quickly as possible, even though there had already
> been two prior releases this week.
> Some concern has been expressed that we are releasing too frequently.
> (Three releases in one week is a lot!) The concern is that this
> creates the impression of volatility and unreliability. We have been
> told that we should delay releases in order to create the impression
> of stability. But the SQLite developers feel that truth is more
> important than perception, not the other way around. We think it is
> important to make the highest quality and most stable version of
> SQLite available to users at all times. This week has seen two
> important bugs being discovered shortly after a major release, and so
> we have issued two emergency patch releases after the regularly
> scheduled major release. This makes us look bad. This puts "egg on our
> face." We do not like that. But, three releases also ensures that the
> best quality SQLite code base is available available to you at all
> times.
> It has been suggested that "beta" releases might find these kinds of
> bugs prior to a major release. But our experience indicates otherwise.
> The two issues that prompted releases 3.6.9 and 3.6.10 were both
> discovered by internal testing and review - not by external users.
> And, indeed, most the problems found in SQLite these days are
> discovered by our rigorous internal testing protocol, not bug reports
> from the field.
> It has also been argued that we should withhold releases "until
> testing is finished." The falacy there is that we never finish
> testing. We are constantly writing new test cases for SQLite and
> thinking of new ways to stress and potentially break the code. This is
> a continuous, never-ending, and on-going process. All existing tests
> pass before each release. But we will always be writing new tests the
> day after a release, regardless of how long we delay that release. And
> sometimes those new tests will uncover new problems.
> All this is to say that we believe that SQLite version 3.6.10 is the
> most stable, most thoroughly tested, and bug-free version of SQLite
> that has ever existed. Please do not be freaked out by three releases
> occurring in one week.
> D. Richard Hipp
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