> VARCHARs. In total, my SQLite database is about 100MB. Very, very huge.

100 MB? Come on, this isn't that "BIG"....

> It seems that compressing an SQLite database is very efficient. Is there 
> any way to compress/decompress a whole database on the fly ?

Well, you could license the CEROD extension, see 

If this is too expensive for you, you could think about using the 
compression techniques built into your operating system. So you could 
use the compression of NTFS-Filesystems to use compression on the fly 
(you can compress individual files and don't need to compress a complete 
drive or directory). But check the performance!

Hey... as I'm thinking about that this would be something usefull... an 
extension to the function sqlite3_open_v2(F,D,G,0): The third paramater 
could get a flag named "SQLITE_OPEN_COMPRESSED" - this would create the 
file "ntfs-compressed" if it doesn't exist....


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