Hi John,

> You still miss the point of the cross reference ID.  It is NOT the
> reference ID od the document, such as an invoice or check number,  
> but it
> more like the row ID used by Sqlire as a unique key for a DB row.

I thought, from your explanation, that was what you were using the  
"Reference ID" for, as you said:

>> reference ID to tag the particular complete transaction

Anyway, it doesn't matter since I think we're talking about the same  
thing, but with different column names. If you want to clarify, it  
would help if you posted a schema of the three tables and the  
relationships between them.

> You could normalize out the date and have stored as associated with  
> the cross reference.  The cost of that would be an extra row lookup  
> each time you want to get the date of an accounting transaction.  A  
> performance and code complexity decision.

It's also an SQL design issue which impacts performance and the  
ability to extract different reports. De-normalized databases are  
fundamentally a bad thing. You wouldn't, for instance, design a  
meeting database where every meeting event explicitly store the name  
and contact details of the person you were meeting. You'd store it in  
a People table and refer each event to it. Linking the data through  
"an extra row lookup" is trivial and optimized within the SQL engine.


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