> Note that both UTF-8 and UTF-16 are capable of representing
> the full range of Unicode characters. Conversion between the two is
> lossless. You seem to be under impression that UTF-8 is somehow
> deficient, only suitable for "legacy" encoding. This is not the
> case.

Yeah thats what they say...but if thats the case then why use UTF-16 at all? 
What is the benefit for supporting UNICODE? Why is there UTF-16 support in 
SQLite? To be honest, thinking about character encodings gives me a large 
headache even though I've been programming for decades. I figured that 
supporting wide characters will be somehow beneficial for international 
users...I hope I was not mistaken but it was not a small amount of extra work. 
Although I have (hopefully) written everything to work with narrow characters 
by flipping a switch.

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