
My application issues an 'add column' statement to an sqlite database, like:

alter table cardModels add column allowEmptyAnswer boolean not null default 1
alter table cardModels add column typeAnswer text not null default

Most of the time this works, but sometimes users send me a database
which is in an odd state:

mobile% sqlite ~/FilipsDeck.anki
SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> update cardModels set allowEmptyAnswer = 0;
SQL error: cardModels.typeAnswer may not be NULL
sqlite> update cardModels set typeAnswer = "";
SQL error: cardModels.allowEmptyAnswer may not be NULL
sqlite> update cardModels set typeAnswer = "", allowEmptyAnswer = 0;

So the problem is fixable, but I'm wondering how it happened in the
first place. Older versions of my app used older versions of sqlite -
is this a known issue that has been fixed in a more recent release?


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