I thought about the adjacency lists. The columns would basically look 
like this I guess:

animal_id (PK), animal_id (father), aninmal_id (mother)

Since I cant do a loop in sql how could I build a trigger securing, that 
no child is e.g a father of it's own father (or grand-father and so on)? 
To achieve that I would have to loop through the whole hierarchy of 

Jay A. Kreibich schrieb:
> On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 12:25:14AM +0200, Jan scratched on the wall:
>> Hi,
>>> If you don't want to update, but you do want to query for entire
>>> subtrees, do give nested sets more consideration.
>> But as Jay pointed out: Nested sets only work with one parent. Do they?
>   You can think of nested sets as basically sets of parenthesis.
>   So the tree:
>        A
>       / \
>      B   C
>     /   /|\
>    D   E F G
>   Turns into:
>     (A:(B:(D:))(C:(E:)(F:)(G:)))
>   As you can see, quite literally "nested sets" (or "sets of sets").
>   Each node can have exactly one parent (the containing set) and zero
>   or more (with "more" being > 2) children.
>   In the case of a family tree, you can get around the "one parent"
>   by extracting the table structure out to a detail table, so that the
>   tree table only has "person_id" values that point back to some
>   master "person" table.  You can then just build two nested sets: one
>   that represents all fathers and one that represents all mothers.  The
>   "father" table will still have daughters, but daughters will always
>   lack any children (in the "father" table).
>   [I think that will work.  My morning coffee has just about worn off.]
>   Of course, this cancels out many of the query optimizations that
>   nested sets are good at, since you'll frequently need to combine data
>   from the two trees to get what you want.  But it would be possible.
>   The bigger issue is that nested sets assume a perfect tree structure.
>   It has to lead back to a "point."  You could, in theory, do a family
>   tree for a single person by turning the table up-side down, but if
>   you're trying to track breeding over a group of animals you need not
>   so much a tree as a scattered mesh that generally trends in one
>   direction.  Unless you started out with exactly one male and one
>   female, a nested set isn't going to cut it.
>   I'm also unsure about cross-generational links (Like a son being a
>   half-brother kind of thing) that might happen in lab animals.
>   adjacency lists can deal with all of these quite easily.  You can
>   have multiple NULL parents for the "tops" of different sub-trees, and
>   the tree structure is localized to a node and it's parents, meaning
>   the links can go all over the place.
>   As for AVL trees, I'm just confused by that suggestion.  AVL trees,
>   like B-trees, Red/Black trees, or just about any kind of balanced
>   tree are designed to hold sorted lists.  The whole idea of balanced
>   trees is that the tree structure can rearrange itself at will, just
>   as long as the leaf nodes keep their order and are fast to find.  You
>   can't hold a tree structure in a AVL tree since the tree structure is
>   prone to changing if you add or remove leaf nodes.
>   Or am I missing something?
>    -j
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