
I need some help with storing the result from a query into a struct.

I have a query like :

SELECT Echo.Position, Echo.Depth, Echo.dBLevel, Echo.Time, 
Echo.CommonIdx, Common.ChanNr
FROM Echo JOIN Common ON Echo.CommonIdx = Common.CommonIdx
ORDER BY Echo.Position ASC

and i need to store the information in a struct like :

typedef struct
    UINT64     nPosition;
    UINT16     nDepth;
    UINT8       ndBLevel;
    UINT64     nTime;
    UINT64     nIdx;
    UINT8       nChannel;

now i use the function :
rc = sqlite3_exec(m_SqLiteDB, sQuery, callback, 0, &zErrMsg);

static int callback(void *NotUsed, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName)
    //print to screen....

The query runs, and the results are shown in the callback function, but 
i'm sure there is a better way
to strore the data in the struct then converting the strings back to 

Are there any examples ?

With kind regards,

Mark Flipphi
sqlite-users mailing list

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