Hi Simon,

>>>> How can I get just the column headers without all the result rows?
>>> Turn headers on, then perform a search which gives no results.
>> Unfortunately, the sqlite3 command line tool does not show the  
>> headers
>> when there are no result rows. In any case, it's nit possible to
>> convert an ad hoc query (ie not known beforehand) into one that
>> returns no rows.
> Add "limit 0" to the end of the select statement

That will work if it's just a simple select statement without "union"  
or an existing "limit" etc. But if it is a compound select or a series  
of commands (eg inserts then a select), then appending "limit" to the  
end will fail.

>>> It's difficult in the command-line tool, but easy using function  
>>> calls
>>> since there's a function call specially intended for it:
>>> <http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/column_name.html>
>> It would be great to see a pragma or built in SQL function that
>> returned the column headers of a given query.
> This is only a limitation in the shell (or using sqlite3_exec); column
> headers can be queried from prepared statements as already pointed
> out.

Yes, thanks, noted. My query/wish is to get that info from the command  


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