Fredrik Karlsson schrieb:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Michael Schlenker<> wrote:
>> Your working far too hard. The sqlite Tcl binding already does all thats 
>> needed.
>> This is perfectly safe:
>> set result [db1 eval {select * from X where label = $myStringValue and id >
>> $compId}]
>> But you MUST use {} to quote your query and not "", so sqlite gets to do the
>> substitution (or better said convert things to prepared statements and bind
>> values correctly) and not Tcl.
>> Michael
> Hi Michael,
> Ok, I can see how this would be the easiest solution, but what I am
> doing is basically a query builder (maping of comands in a specialized
> language to pattern subselects in SQL queries). Since the statements
> can be nested in many different ways, I cannot expect to be able to
> construct the query and keeping track of variable names to be used in
> the final substitution, so that I can make use of the built in binding
> feature of sqlite.... It is much to much hard work.

I don't think so.

Just use an array to store your values and prefix the names with the
identifier of your subpattern. Now when you emit your subpattern via
[format] or some other method just add the appropriate prefixed bind
variables. Should not be too hard.

> Instead, I think I need to make each part of the query return a
> complete (not to be evaluated further outside of sqlite) SQL query
> subselect statement, which is why I think I need to make sure that the
> values I insert is safe inside an SQL statement myself.
> Or, do you know of a Tcl command to make strings "SQL safe"? (Sorry
> for making this into a Tcl question now..)

Its the wrong way. See the mess you get with mysql_real_escape() in PHP and
you know its wrong.


Michael Schlenker
Software Engineer

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