On Mon, 27 Jul 2009, Beau Wilkinson wrote:

> I am dealing with such a project now. The schema consists of time stamp
> plus blob, where the blobs "map" directly to C++ structs. Of course, there
> are all sorts of useful data items in those blobs, and many of the
> capabilities of SQL are lost by reducing data to blobs. I think this is an
> extreme example of what you describe. The architectural excuse given was,
> I think, performance.

   I'm not a professional coder or DBA, but I've been writing code and
building database applications for about 3 decades. The problem, I believe,
is shifting paradigms and the difficulties people have in doing so.

   The original spaghetti-code model I used with FORTRAN in the early 1970s
gave way to structured programming with C. Most of us still effectively use
structured programming with procedural languages, either compiled or
interpreted. While OO is a nice concept, and does have use in the
appropriate applications, it produces bloated binaries because all classes
in the hierarchy need to be compiled and included, even if one function is
all that's needed. However, even within the huge tribe of procedural
languages, there are different paradigms that one needs to understand to
most efficiently use a language. The differences between C and Common LISP
immediately come to mind.

   Regardless, it is very common to see those new to SQL take whatever
knowledge and experience they have with procedural languages and try to
apply it to working with sets. Your project summarized above seems to be an
example of this. Trying to apply the flow control and other structures of a
procedural language to SQL tends to result in a mess. Too few books or other
resources stress these differences so newcomers are taught to look at the
whole database manipulation language (principally the SELECT statement) in a
different way.

   What is more unfortunate is when someone with greater knowledge takes over
a project but is prevented from re-doing it in a more efficient way because
someone else's ego will be bruised or the powers that be cannot appreciate
the need.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
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