On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, Rstat wrote:

> But today we sell more and more books and the addition of a database means
> we need to synchronize our data from the warehouse database to the main
> office one, mainly to be able to know what kind of stock we have. I think
> we will have to go with a batch syncing scheduled twice a day for now. We
> have been dealing with Talend open studio so far and enjoy the product.

   I've not used talend, but it may work as an interim solution. What you
might think about as a scalable long-term solution is building a Web-based
application. You set up httpd with SQLite in the office, build the
application with Python/Django or Ruby on Rails, and you're set to go.
Anyone with a computer, Web browser, and connection to the 'Net can access
the data.

   You can have multiple terminals in the warehouse and various users in the
offices all accessing the information at their convenience. By having
different user categories, each with different priviledges, you can meet
everyone's needs and increase data integrity. For example, senior management
might be able to view data and reports but not enter or edit anything.
Receiving clerks can enter new inventory but not change records once entered
(that's up to a foreman or supervisor). Sales are entered either directly
from your Web site or someone in the office and both a pick list and invoice
are generated.

   Not only does this approach add capabilities and flexibility, but this
kind of control can support the SEC enforcement of your company executive's
compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. They can demonstrate fiscal control
and probity quite easily.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.        |            Innovation
<http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517      Fax: 503-667-8863
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