Thanks D Hipp

Your software is marvelous, as is the help on this list.  I had to rework
one delete statement, for reasons I still don't get, but otherwise awfully
good stuff.  I made it work another way.  I worked with some of the people
who invented DB2.  Was a hell of a lot of fun.

I especially enjoy the silly and mindless debates, but they happen on every
list.  I try to stay out of those...

I do find the documentation rather awkward.  I have seen (and used) links to
stuff I cannot find from the start page.  Maybe doxygen?  I write a lot of C
and find it invaluable.

Not much point to this post, other than well deserved praise.  I have
embedded 3.x.y in the field (on mountaintops, mostly), so I'll not be
upgrading unless there is something really significant.  I should be as good
as SQL, I figure.  But I think all thank you for saving us from rolling our
own DB.

All raise a glass...


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of D. Richard Hipp
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:55 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: [sqlite] SQLite version 3.6.18 scheduled for Monday

We are on schedule to release SQLite version 3.6.18 on Monday,  
2009-09-14.  For a preview, see

D. Richard Hipp

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