The environment:

    Compaq Presario CQ60 w/Pentium dual core 2GHz+2GHz, 2GB RAM
    Windows Vista Home Premium w/SP2, fully updated & patched
    SQLite/3 (3.6.17)
    My db 17.5Mb (small-medium size, I would say)
    The table: CREATE TABLE INDI (ref text , indi text)
        No indices or other constraints on INDI
    Data to insert (typical) "DAVI37" ,  "@I00001@"

Insertion code (Rexx, RexxSQL, error checking code omitted)

    SetINDI: Procedure Expose D.
    SQLCA.=;Call SQLCommand ,'Delete from INDI'
    say 'Begin SetINDI' time('R')
    say 'count=' D.0INDI.0
    Do f_i=1 to D.0INDI.0
     IF f_I//100 = 0 Then say f_i time('R')
     f_CMD='Insert into INDI values (' quote(f_refn) ',' quote(f_indi) ')'
     SQLCA.=;Call SQLCommand , f_CMD

*Insert rate*: 7/sec.

This seems rather slow to me. I expected something perhaps an order of 
magnitude faster.
The time is not spent in the Rexx overhead. Commenting out the SQL 
Insert statement the loop runs in an eyeblink.

Am I expecting too much? I think that SQLite2 did this much faster.


Regards, Rod Dav4is / P.O. Box 118 / Hyde Park, NY 12538 / USA
Genealogy, et Cetera:
538 ancestral & collateral families, mostly 17°-19° century 
New England & European roots. Total population: 136,000+
A Democrat, a Republican and a giraffe walk into a bar. The 
bartender looks up from his want ads and says, "What is this, a joke?"

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