
Metatranz StepSqlite Team announces the release of StepSqlite 2.1a 
- a powerful, web-based PL/SQL compiler for SQLite. This version adds
powerful new features like Windows support and improvements to existing
features like TO_DATE() support. 

StepSqlite is available FREE (and without any sign-up) to try out right
from your browser :


New Features in version 2.1a
1. Windows Target now available: 
      You can compile PL/SQL package directly to a Windows DLL. 
      The complete list of supported targets is now: 
      Windows, Linux x86 and iPhone.

2. Auto-generate SQLite loadable extensions: 
      Compile your PL/SQL code directly to a SQLite extension. Load the 
      extension into database using SQLite 'load extension' mechanism  
      and you can right-away start using the functions/procedures in 
      your PL/SQL package directly from SQL. 

3. Script SQLite using PL/SQL anonymous blocks: 
      Compile anonymous PL/SQL blocks written using the power of 
      PL/SQL, including but not limited to loops, cursors, 
      record types, locally defined functions and procedures 
      and execute them directly on your SQLite db by simply 
      loading it as a SQLite extension.

More details, benefits, tutorial and FAQ at:

Send inquiries to: info @ metatranz.com
Send feedback to:  feedback @ metatranz.com

About Metatranz:
Metatranz LLC is committed to bringing the power and convenience of
big-database tools to the small-database world by using innovative
techniques and latest technology while preserving the small, fast and

Sincerely Yours,
The Metatranz StepSqlite Team

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