Hello everyone,

I have a little bit problem about in-memory database feature of SQLite. I
would like to use two programming languages in my application .
These languages will be Java and C++. I would like to reach the same
database in memory by using both. I used Xerial for JDBC for Java.
Everything seems fine if I am using a regular file on harddrive. I can write
data from C++ process and read these data from Java.
But when I try to do this for in-memory, everything is getting chunky. A new
database is being created in memory for every attempt to open
database in memory. Now I am trying to switch the database handler between
C++ and Java. It requires some efforts.

What I want to try to reach the same database in memory from two threads or
processes and these would be in different programming languages.
Any different idea how to implement this is appreciated..

Thanks in advance,
Serdar Genc
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