Igor Tandetnik wrote...

> jose isaias cabrera <cabr...@wrc.xerox.com>
> wrote:
>> I would like to trim a column from all white spaces.  I know how to
>> do it programmatically, but I would like to do it right to the DB. Is
>> this a possibility?
> update mytable set mycolumn=trim(mycolumn);
>> Also, how to I trim specific characters?  Say tab, or char(0) or
>> char(X), etc?  I know that I do trim(vEmail,Y), but how do I
>> represent tab? or newline? etc.?
> If you do it in your program, just put those characters in the query 
> string or bound parameter string, using facilities of your programming 
> language. E.g. in C that would be something like "trim(vEmail, ' \t\n')".
> If you do it manually from, say, command line interface, you can do this:
> update mytable set mycolumn=trim(mycolumn, cast(X'20090A' as text));
> 20 being the ASCII code of space, 09 of tab and 0A of line feed.

thanks Igor.


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