If you set the setting, that you receive e-mails from this mailing list,  
then you can simply answer the mails, which you get. To add a question or  
a topic to the mailing list, simple write a e-mail to  

That's all.

- Artur -


Am 03.01.2010, 02:48 Uhr, schrieb Bill Marvin <bill_mar...@hotmail.com>:

> I'm sorry, but I must just be too dense to understand how to use this  
> list.
> When I go to
> http://sqlite.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sqlite-users (Note, this  
> info page tells only how to post an original message to the mailing  
> list, but not how to reply).
> and then click on the first link  sqlite-users
>                 Archives. It takes you to a web page titled
> The sqlite-users ArchivesThis provides a spreadsheet like table by month  
> for threads, authors, etc.  There is no search capability from this page.
>> From http://www.sqlite.org/support.html you get to the above website by  
>> clicking on sqlite-users.
> In the OFFSITE
> http://www.mail-archive.com/sqlite-users%40sqlite.org/  archive there is  
> a search capability.
> Also, I can find no directions or explanations on how to add a reply to  
> a thread.  In all mailing list that I have been in, there is a reply  
> button on the web page where you are viewing a thread.
> I receive the sqlite-user daily digest.  Do you have to receive each  
> post separately in order to reply?
> This setup is very confusing.
> Also, while I am on my soapbox, the documentation could be greatly  
> enhanced by providing actual code examples of the sqlite3_* functions  
> (e.g. sqlite3_open_v2).
> Sqlite is perfect for my application to use as a way to store my  
> "document", but the documentation is difficult to follow.  I guess I  
> need an "Idiots Guide to SQLite" or an "SQLite for Dummies".  I am  
> converting my application from Visual Basic 6.0/Jet DB Engine to a  
> Visual C++/sqlite implementation.  When opening my "document", I need to  
> verify the Schema and contents of "hidden" tables (created and populated  
> on "File New") to make sure that the database is my application's  
> document and not some other sqlite database.  I am having trouble doing  
> this schema verification.
> I'll go back to lurking,
> Bill
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