Hello all-

Bear with me, my problem is a little goofy and has stolen six hours of my life. 
 I'm using the C API of sqlite 3.6.12 on Mac OS X 10.6.2.

I'm using a sqlite database table to collect paths from a filesystem.  So, I 
have some C code that opens the database at the beginning of an indexing job, 
prepares an insert statement, and then for each file: sqlite3_bind_text()'s the 
path into the insert statement and sqlite3_step()'s it for every file I'm 
indexing, and then sqlite3_reset()'s the statement for the next path to insert. 

My code works for hundreds of iterations at a time; if I start iterating 
through a folder with a few hundred paths, I generally have no problem.  
However, if I start higher up, and have a directory tree with 1000 or more 
paths, at some point or other sqlite_step() will return SQLITE_CANTOPEN and any 
call I try against my sqlite3 *database after that point will return 

For a given set of paths, sqlite_step() will always fail on the same path, plus 
or minus 1.  If I start in a completely different part of the filesystem, 
sqlite_step() will usually fail eventually, with the same consistency, but 
never after the same number of inserts -- for one folder, it fails consistently 
after 1598 inserts +/-1, for another folder, it fails at 620 +/-1.

* At first, given the consistency, I thought there might be some sort of 
memory/allocation problem, but going over my code carefully and with profiling, 
I can find no leaks.

* I breakpoint on sqlite3_step() returning an error, and when I look at the 
frame, I see no suspicious nulls or bad argument values.  If I use dummy code 
that inserts an identical dummy string for every call into sqlite3_step(), it 
still eventually fails.

* When I change my sql "create" statement for the table I'm inserting into into 
a temp table, the code can index tens of thousands of files and never has an 

* This made me think there was some sort of issue with sqlite's IO with the 
disk, but I can't figure out where the problem is.  Googling tells me a lot of 
people have a problem when they are trying to write a db file to a directory 
their code doesn't have readwrite on, but I've verified that my database 
directory (for purposes of testing) is chmod 777.

So, has anyone else run into SQLITE_CANTOPEN in a situation where it wasn't a 
permissions issue?

I'll include the code if you'd really like to see it but it's essentially like 
this: (eliding all error checking, etc) 

/* EXAMPLE.c */

char *nextPath(); /* returns next path to index */

sqlite3 *_database;
int retVal;
sqlite3_open_v2(PATH_TO_DB, &_database, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | 

sqlite3_stmt *statement;
const char *szStmt = "replace into AudioFiles (file_url) values (?)";
retVal = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_database, szStmt, strlen(szStmt), &statement, 

char *path;
while ( path = nextPath() ) {

  retVal = sqlite3_bind_text(statement, 1, path , strlen(path) , SQLITE_STATIC);
  /* I've tried every variation for argument 5 here */

  retVal = sqlite3_step(statement);
  retVal = sqlite3_reset(statement);



/* end EXAMPLE.c */

Jamie Hardt

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