"Select count(id) from table where text!='' or text!=NULL" is the same,  

As i see you want to count all rows, right? I don't know if it is faster  
to only count one column instead of *, but I using it the one-column-count  
way. Perhaps this helps too?



Am 28.02.2010, 00:25 Uhr, schrieb Lothar Scholz  

> It is driving me crazy. I'm working on a web spider where a table holds  
> the downloaded
> webpage. It seems that a select
> "SELECT count(*) WHERE NOT text IS NULL"
> requires that the complete text column is loaded. With a stored LOB
> this results in crazy performance.
> Is this optimized in later versions of SQLite (i'm using a 3.4.x which is
> about 2 years old).
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