I collected a little more data on this problem by powering up an old
PPC mac, which is using a hardwired network connection instead of airport.
The behavior is the same - when there is contention for database access,
the mac puts itself to sleep.

I really don't see any scenario where this can be the correct or intended
behavior, but it's still unclear if it is sqlite or mac OSX that is misbehaving.


At 04:57 PM 3/19/2010, Dave Dyer wrote:

>I have an application which uses a sqlite database shared across a network.
>Under conditions where the database is resident on a PC, and I share it from
>a mac, and the mac/pc are both contending for access to the database,
>my mac sometimes turns off it's monitor and enters system "sleep" mode.
>It wakes up again when I hit any key.  
>This is DEFINITELY associated with the sqlite datbase being active.
>I sometimes can get to a debugger, and find a stack trace pointing to
>"pager_wait_on_lock".  This tickled a vague suspicion that some rare
>path through sqlite's mac file system implementation was triggering 
>system sleep instead of application sleep.
>Any thoughts or similar experiences?

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