>Could you help us by adding any of the following details ?
>What OS is the Mac running ?

OSX 10.4.11 for me, but also snow leopard.

>What OS is the PC running ?

Windows 2003 server for me, but also XP (note the file systems are all mac
file systems)

>What protocol is being used to access the Mac file share ?

Presumably windows standard file sharing protocol over tcp

>Is the file-sharing host accessing the database as a shared file, or as a file 
>on its hard disk ?

The mac acting as file host is accessing the file as a local file.

>Does this happen without any data-changing instructions ?  In other words can 
>I get this fault using only _open, ATTACH and lots of SELECT commands until 
>something falls over ?  Or even just repeated _open, ATTACH and _close until 
>something falls over ?

No data on this question.  The purpose of this querty setup
is to copy some data into an auxialiary database.

>> Note that the main database, which is updated periodically, doesn't have
>> a corruption problem,
>Are both 'main' and 'auxiliary' on in the same folder, being accessed the same 
>way ?

Yes.  And significantly, there is no corruption problem with simultaneous
updates to the main database.

>> and that this is only a problem with databases resident
>> on a mac.  The same scenario, with databases resident on the PC disk, works
>> fine.
>When the databases are on the PC disk, what protocol is the Mac using to 
>access them ?

Presumably the same.  Before recent versions of OSX this kind of access
used "samba" server.

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