On Tue, 6 Apr 2010, BareFeet wrote:

> Thanks to those who replied on this topic, but no-one offered any
> repository of SQLite template files. Does that mean there aren't any
> available?


   That's because what you seek does not exist. User interfaces are separate
from the rdbms back end. The UI depends on the application (accounting,
addressbook, spatial analyses), the language used for development (python,
ruby, perl, C, Common LISP, object COBOL), and the intended user base. You
also need to write the middleware that validates data entry, translates
between the human-readable UI widgets and the desired dbms action (INSERT,
DELETE, UPDATE, SELECT) using embedded SQL (a set-based language, not a
procedural one).

   Asking for a SQLite template is analoguos to deciding that you'll use an
International Harvester 6.9l diesel engine and asking for pre-existing
vehicle designs to wrap around it without specifying your intended use.

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