Similar conversions problems we can see in triggers and constraints
too. See the first message in this topic. In TCL layer I did add the
"typing when possible" logic but how to do it here?
sqlite> INSERT INTO T2 VALUES('18');
In this expression value '18' may has more than single datatype in
different times - original type is 'text' and 'text'/'integer'/etc. in
dependence of the trigger or constraints checks and 'integer' after
inserting into table T2.

2010/4/29 Pavel Ivanov <>:
> Sorry, I cannot tell you anything about TCL - never used one. But I'm
> sure that it's some additional layer above SQLite. And if you find
> some inconsistencies there then it's inconsistencies in TCL, not in
> SQLite itself.

Best regards, Alexey Pechnikov.
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