On Jun 9, 2010, at 12:22 AM, Vivien Malerba wrote:

> On 8 June 2010 22:02, Scott Frankel <fran...@circlesfx.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 8, 2010, at 12:51 PM, Jean-Christophe Deschamps wrote:
>>>> What's the best way to copy data from one db to another?
>>>> Given 2 databases with identical schemas, one full of data and the
>>>> other empty, the brute force way would be to perform selects on the
>>>> source db, then for each row, perform an insert into the  
>>>> destination
>>>> db.  Is there a more efficient way?
>>> The easiest is either to simply copy the file as Igor suggested or  
>>> use
>>> the backup API (very easy too).
>> I forgot to mention, the source is a PostgreSQL db, not SQLite, so
>> there's no source file to copy.  Though a backup might be
>> interesting ...
> You can use Libgda's gda-sql tool in which you can:
> * open a connection to the PostgreSQL db (for example named db1)
> * open a connection to the SQLite db (for example named db2)
> * bind those 2 connections into a 3rd one, and execute statements like
> "insert into db2.table_one_name select * from db1.table_one_name ;"

While Libgda looks very interesting, I need a solution that's  
accessible from common Linux, OSX, and Windows base installs.  Looks  
like the record-by-record approach is the best option for now.


> If you want more info, tell me.
> Regards,
> Vivien
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