On Wed, 9 Jun 2010, Tim Romano wrote:

> Typically, Orders are divided into OrderHeader and OrderDetail tables:
> OrderHeader
> id integer primary key
> orderdate
> customerid
> OrderDetail
> id
> orderid  references OrderHeader(id)
> articleid references article(id)
> quantity int
> And you could then place a unique composite index on (orderid, articleid) in
> OrderDetail if you wanted to prevent the same article from appearing on more
> than one line-item of the order.

   To generalize this, when designing a database schema it is best to look at
the relationships involved. For example, the customer-order relationship is
1-to-many (each customer may have many separate orders). However, orders and
items are a many-to-many relationship (each order can have many items, and
each item can be on many orders).

   Usually, many-to-many relationships require an intermediate table that
uses the primary keys from both tables as a composite primary key.

   And, as Tim wrote, separating the order header from the line item details
makes both creation and maintenance much easier.

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