On 26 Jun 2010, at 4:34pm, kee wrote:

> both of them may have duplicated records

... and later ...


Those two things contradict each-other.  If you specify UNIQUE you can't have 
duplicated values.

> CREATE TABLE  tableA {

Try to get out of that habit.  if those are countries, call your table 
'countries', not 'tableA'.

> if I use "CREATE TABLE
> table_dst AS SELECT * FROM table_src" to duplicate tables later, can
> those definition be copied either?

They will be.  You can't avoid it.

> listC = listA * listB
> ====================
> japan         orange
> china          orange
> american   orange
> india          orange
> ...
> thailand     banana
> australia    banana
> I also want to use same table structure to store the combination result
> and  assigned unique ID for those combined items same as before:
> CREATE TABLE  tableC {
>    name_combination TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
> }

Do it in software.  If you find it easier to work with long strings, and if 
there're no commas in your names then you can use

SELECT group_concat(name,',') FROM countries

and get one long string instead of lots of records

To answer your questions:

'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT' is assigned when a row is created.  It 
won't change even if you change the values of all the other columns of that row.

As for storing the combinations, that'll work fine but it's not obvious why you 
want to store them.  There may be something that suits your purposes better.  
But yes, it'll work fine and it's the sort of thing people use SQL for all the 

Tables don't magically update one-another.  If you create your table of 
combinations and then your fruit table changes, the combination table won't 
magically update.

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