Also...try doing a "copy my.db nul:" to get it cached once before you use it.
You're probably running into disk head seeking the first time (due to random 
placement of your data relative to your query) which will slow you down a lot.
Michael D. Black
Senior Scientist
Advanced Analytics Directorate
Northrop Grumman Information Systems


From: on behalf of Simon Slavin
Sent: Wed 7/21/2010 9:28 PM
To: General Discussion of SQLite Database
Subject: EXTERNAL:Re: [sqlite] Very Slow DB Access After Reboot on Windows

On 21 Jul 2010, at 4:56pm, Samet YASLAN wrote:

> I have a 30MB DB file with 4 tables.
> Execution time for a query is 1 sec normally but it is like 40 secs
> after restarting window.
> This seems to be related with file caching of Windows. The same source
> code does not cause this problem on Linux.

What is the name of the database file ?  I understand that there is a Windows 
bug where it tries to cache all of files with certain extensions like '.db'.  
Try changing the filename extention to '.sqlite' or something else unusual.

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