On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Andy Gibbs <andyg1...@hotmail.co.uk>wrote:

> On Monday, July 26, 2010 4:44 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
>  What do you get when you run:
>>   ./testfixture test/permutations.test journaltest test/memsubsys2.test
>>   ./testfixture test/permutations.test inmemory_journal
>> test/memsubsys2.test
> Please find the log files attached as journaltest.log and
> inmemory_journal.log respectively.  Both passed fine with no errors.
> However, I have also attached journaltest2.log which I think does
> demonstrate the memory leak.  Having trawled through the full log file, it
> seems that the memory leak is coming from the FTS3 tests, so the
> journaltest2.log file is the output from:
> ./testfixture test/permutations.test journaltest fts3cov.test
> fts3malloc.test memsubsys2.test
> I tried a similar run with inmemory_journal instead of journaltest, but
> this gave me a "database disk image is malformed" error (see
> inmemory_journal2.log), but this is not an error I received when running the
> full test suite, so it is probably because I'm running a test sequence that
> I shouldn't.

Correct.  fts3cov.test is not compatible with inmemory_journal.

> Here also is the configuration used for building sqlite:
> --enable-threadsafe --enable-debug --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.5
> (The only change between the source I have here and the "official" source
> is the fix mentioned in another of my emails today regarding 'configure'
> finding the wrong tclsh).
> I hope this helps!  Let me know if you'd like me to run further tests for
> you.
> Andy
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