Quoth Greg Bryant <bryant...@gmail.com>, on 2010-10-01 12:51:10 -0500:
> I'm using current SQLite (3.7.2) via a visual c++ app.  We're connecting a
> sqlite3 database via ODBC (driver from

Driver from where again?

> When I go to do a select via the ODBC connection, however, I get back
> garbage for the accented character (specifically, I get André).

You're getting back UTF-8 and then (somewhere) interpreting it as
Latin-1.  I'm not too familiar with ODBC; is there a way you can
specify the connection's text encoding?  SQLite uses UTF-8 or UTF-16
for text.  (You can choose which only at database creation time.)
Similarly, make sure that you actually give it Unicode strings in the
target encoding; there may be some autocorrection going on if you try
to feed it Latin-1 characters, but I wouldn't rely on it.

> Thanks,
> Greg

   ---> Drake Wilson
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